On Sunday November 23rd in London, UK, Archbishops Bertil Persson from Sweden, Philip Lewis and Paget Mack (representing Abp. Francis Spataro) from the USA, will gather for a service in which John Mar Joannes III (The Most. Revd. Professor John Kersey)GCSC, KCStG, KGStJ, DD, MMusRCM, LThMin, FRSA, FRGS, FSA ScotMetropolitan Primate and Titular Archbishop of Karim, The Liberal Catholic Apostolic Church) will be enthroned as Archbishop for Great Britain of the Apostolic Episcopal Church, an office which he will hold in addition to responsibilities he holds within the
During the service, a number of bishops present will exchange consecrations sub conditione as a gesture of ecumenical support and unity. The following list of bishops have indicated that they intend to be present and that they wish to participate in this element of the service: +Bertil Persson- +Philip Lewis- +Paget Mack- +John Kersey- +Andrew Linley- +Alistair Bate- +Charles Mugleston
The Most Rev. Michael N. Buckley, OCR is the Primate of the Ecclesia Rosae Rubeae & Aureae Crucis in Sussex, England & will be in attendance for this Holy occasion.