The Most Rev.+Christian M. von Jessen, OSB hosted what has been described by some present as the first PUBLIC Anglican Eucharist celebrated in Dent County since 1932 when the Episcopal Church was de-consecrated and given to the Public LIbrary! Missa Cantata with incense - Most Rev. Jessen began with Asperges and procession - "we had to leave the chapel and process AROUND the outside - with the thurifer doing the Queen Annes at the windows and then again at the door before we came back in - rather unique - but in a building that is only 12 by 16...", says the Most Rev Christian M. von Jessen, OSB. As a note of interest, Bishop Jessen's (Metropolitan Arch Bishop of Missouri for the BYZANTINE CATHOLIC CHURCH) lines of succession came from the Old Catholic line (+Pruter) as well as the Russian Orthodox line (+Zrwestsky).
The Chancel - hard to photograph due to the small space - is before the installation of the wainscot to better show the "legs" of the Reproduction Elizabethan Communion Table (Copied from one in Hailes, England) by Mr. Antony Burek in Vermont - the top is Cherry from a felled cherry tree at The Hill Farm in Dent County. The Rood Screen obscures it slightly.