Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Most Rev. Dr Bertil Persson

Bertil Persson and Rev. Siodhachan Lyden (Tau Thomas) at St. Leo's in NYC

Sweden's Professor Bertil Persson is one of the Chaplains to the Swedish Royal family and has very close links with the Vatican.  He is an ordained minister of the Anglican Communion and has presided as Bishop over the Holy Eastern Catholic Church, Primate of the Apostolic Orthodox churches and as a Missionary Arch Bishop for the African Orthodox Church.  He has served as the Missionary General of Brazilian Catholic Apostolic Church for Scandinavia and as Missionary General of the Philippine Independent Catholic Church for Scandinavia and all of Europe. In 2012 his book The Fight Against Sects was released, documenting his decades of work to achieve world peace and to educate authorities on the existence as well as the practices of cults and dangerous fundamentalist sects.  He's authored numerous titles on the various histories of independent Catholic and Orthodox churches as well as Independent Bishops: An International Directory with a preface by the well known encyclopedic authority of world religions, J. Gordon Melton.

With the assistance of Archbishop George Boyer and Bishop Leila Boyer, Bertil established the Caribbean Episcopal Church, originally as a church in the Apostolic Episcopal Church, whose Universal Primate he was at that time.  Later the Bishop of London of the Church of England took over the responsibility after the decease of its first Archbishop Eugene Lynch.
Dr. Persson has served for some 30 years as a pedagogue of dyslexia and Ambassador of Peace connected to UNESCO (International Association of Education and World Peace; University for Peace) and ECOSOC (Universal Peace Federation).  He's a talented hymnologist and academic historian of churches and ideas.  He travels around the world speaking at Universities on the subject of Aramaic and its importance to linguistics, religious studies and cultural anthropology as the language of Jesus. He has served as a consultant of Scandinavia for Near East Churches and is the author of several text books in religion.  

Professor Persson earned a Doctorate of Theology and has spent 40 years of research in Sweden and abroad.  Having served the Swedish Government and foreign organizations as an expert in international Jewish-Christian-Muslim dialogue, his works of humanitarian, pedagogical and religious-historical achievement and for his work as a scientific author he has been awarded a number of honorable doctorates and distinctions, including Top 100 Educators 2005, Top 100 Educators 2006 and Top 100 Educators 2008 awarded by Cambridge Biographical Centre, England. Nils Bertil Alexander Persson has traced the Rosicrucian movement back to a beginning in 1188 which predates the publishing of the Fama in 1614.  This research was enabled by his access to secret files in the Library of the Vatican and other private collections throughout Europe, especially the files of the Order of the Knights Templar in Germany. 

I spent some time with Arch Bishop Persson in Manhattan at St Leo's and ventured uptown to give a homily at the African Orthodox Church in Harlem. Afterwards, we had lunch on Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard and spoke at length regarding his research in the Vatican archives and some mutual acquaintances in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.  He had this to say regarding the Boyers, the United Templar Rite and the Pre-Nicene Ekklesia as well as the Apostolic Church of the Golden and Rosy Cross: 

"Last time I met Beloved Leila was on the 9th of December in the House of Lords in London. I was invited to lecture and I had invited her. We had a longtime chat both before and after my lecture. We decided that when I'm back in London in the mid' of May we share a dinner together as so many times in the past. At that time she told me that she has problem with cancer but it was at the moment better. 

Bishop Leila has for many years been my assistant in my work for the Caribbean people. Archbishop George Boyer and I, assisted by Bishop Leila, established the Caribbean Episcopal Church, originally as a church in the Apostolic Episcopal Church, whose Universal Primate I was at that time. Later the Bishop of London of the Church of England took over the responsibility after the decease of its first Archbishop Eugene Lynch.  Once again I thank you ever so much for the message I've got through Archbishop Peter Paul Brennan, my successor as Universal Primate of Order of Corporate Reunion.

Both +George and +Leila were very active in OCR in the British Isles. Through me they were also installed as Knights of the Knights Templar Order by its Spiritual Protector Archbishop Lutfi Laham of the Holy Land, Patriarch of the Melchite-Greek Catholic Church.  Richard Duke de Palatine founded the Pre Nicene Ekklesia and later passed on the role of Primate to Arch Bishop George Boyer.   Bishop  Boyer in his own right already held lines from Churches recognized by the Anglican Church and World Council of Churches.  These lines were passed onto ++Michael Norman Buckley OCR in 2003, giving rise to the Ecclessia Apostolica Rosae Rubeae & Aureae Crucis, a legitimate church founded in Sussex, England."

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